Tag: change
Tattoo: Idea #574
Do you think you’re the result of your early years in life? ‘Our environment has a huge impact on who we are. We become a product of our environment, particularly the one we grow up in. We are all tattooed in the crib with the beliefs of our tribe. When we are growing up, we…
Personal: Idea #529
Do you want a secret to what can change your life? ‘Forgiveness is the strongest life-changing force. We are all going to make mistakes, but your response to these mistakes is what is important. High road leaders respond by taking responsibility and correcting their mistakes. The most free people in the world are those who…
Apply-n-Do: Idea #513
Do you have a dream or an idea? What are you doing with that idea? ‘Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.’ (J.Goethe) Just knowing what we want to achieve doesn’t get us there, it requires action on our part. That’s that hard part. And sometimes that means…