Tag: consistent

  • Intentional: Leadership Idea #14

    Are you an intentional leader? Exactly what does it mean to be intentional? Being intentional means you don’t just drift through life, going with the flow, no effort needed. Being an intentional leader requires us to examine ourselves, see where we’re strong and keep building on that, find our weaknesses, and see how we can…

  • Reliable: Idea #295

    How reliable are you? It’s tempting to think it’s OK to not always be on time or show up. However, ‘People who are reliable and consistent always show up. They don’t require others to follow-up with them in order to get the work done. People can count on them in a team, especially when it…

  • Consistent: Idea #93

    As we think about growing and developing this year, let’s think a bit about consistency. ‘The key to living an incredible life is to be steady, faithful, and consistent. Consistency compounds. If you are consistently good, you consistently compound goodness. These good habits can give you an incredible and consistent life.’ (J.Maxwell) Who doesn’t want…