Tag: courage

  • Bravery: Idea #437

    Are you a brave person? You may not face down dangerous animals or people, or need to venture into scary situations, however, I’d suggest we all face everyday challenges that require bravery.  ‘Being brave is a step beyond courage. It is having courage to do something when the odds are stacked against you, overcoming fear…

  • Positive: Idea #390

    ‘Keeping one’s attitude positive, especially when the world conspires to make us mad, is one of the great accomplishments of life.’ (B.Burchard) This statement resonates with me. I also know that ‘Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.’ (M.Hale) I also know I don’t…

  • Hope #2: Idea #367

    Continuing with the idea of hope, we see that ‘People who have vision are hopeful and anticipate what is possible. Hope is necessary in order to have a clear and compelling vision. Sometimes it takes courage to stay hopeful. Make the decision today, to believe that something more and better is possible. Maintain hope, reach…