Tag: encourage
Trust: God Idea #12
Sometimes in life it’s really hard to trust that God has my best in mind, and that He will look after me. In my head I know this is true, but in the realism of each day this trust falters and sometimes disappears. I believe this is a time when God’s family need to be…
Better: Growth Idea #600
Here’s a couple of tips that might help you feel better today. First of all, make sure you’re taking good care of yourself first. If you feel good, and look good, you’re going to feel a lot better throughout the day. Next, take time to encourage someone else, to highlight their achievements. Whenever you help…
Positive: Idea #455
In a previous post I talked about the need to work with others, and it’s not just because you need help, you also need encouragement. ‘Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, nourishing and uplifting people; people who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams, and applaud your victories.’ (J.Canfield)…