Tag: encouragement

  • Encourage: Idea #484

    Encourage: Idea #484

    I keep being reminded that there are many that help me and support me, and I should be grateful. ‘Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.’ (E.Caddy) Isn’t it amazing that gratitude helps you grow? However, we do…

  • Reflect: Idea #276

    Reflect: Idea #276

    What type of rock are you? ‘The moon relies on the sun for all its light; without the sun, the moon would just be a large rock orbiting the earth. People are the same. Without encouragement, support and hard work we are just lightless rocks orbiting with no real purpose. But when we do endeavor…

  • Encouragement: Idea #200

    Encouragement: Idea #200

    How gratifying it is to hear words of encouragement. ‘One of the overlooked needs that people have is to be encouraged. It is often easier for us to see and identify physical needs than emotional ones.’ (P.Chappell) ‘Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me,…