Tag: energy

  • Energy: Idea #332

    It’s so easy for me to not have a good attitude about problems. And that hurts the process. ‘Your attitude is critical to success. If you expect things to be difficult, it will always be easier to solve problems, overcome adversity, and have an enthusiastic energy about how you go about  and enjoy your work.’…

  • Feelings: Idea #240

    Generally we tend to ask others “How are you today?”. Recently I had several days where I was feeling rather down, sad, not really liking what life was bringing my way. I felt tired, drained, almost burned out, without energy or enjoyment in what I was doing. Perhaps a better question to ask each other…

  • Shine: Idea #236

    We all know it’s easier to see when there’s sufficient light. ‘How well are you shining and bringing light, focus, and clarity into your life and leadership? Brilliance is about intelligence, but it is also more. It is about expressing energy, passion, and exuberance to bring light to the world. Shine in a dark world,…