Tag: environment

  • Tattoo: Idea #574

    Do you think you’re the result of your early years in life? ‘Our environment has a huge impact on who we are. We become a product of our environment, particularly the one we grow up in. We are all tattooed in the crib with the beliefs of our tribe. When we are growing up, we…

  • Environment: Idea #552

    There’s a saying that you become like the people you spend time with. This echos ‘the law of environment. It says that growth thrives in conducive surroundings. Are you in a growth oriented organization? Develop your own personal growth environment. When you change your surroundings, you will discover that who you are with determines who…

  • Environment: Idea #512

    What type of environment do we need in order to grow? It is said that ‘growth thrives in conducive surroundings. If we want to experience personal growth, we must evaluate our environment and make the changes that support our growth goals. The things around us affect what’s going on inside of us, and growth will…