Tag: excellence
Excellence: Growth Idea #607
One characteristic I’ve observed in myself over the years is the desire to be the best, or at least be excellent in all I do. Having a focus on excellence will help you exceed expectations that others have of you, and you will gain confidence in your abilities to succeed in the tasks you set…
Habit: Idea #567
What are the actions that make you who you are? And, are you who you want to be? ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ (W.Durant) If you want excellence, then, you’ll need to practice that every day. If you want grit, you’ll need endurance. ‘Grit is…
Re-engage: Idea #407
‘People pay for quality and excellence. As leaders we should always be about exceeding expectations. Today, where are you delivering a lower quality than you can be proud of? Stop it, change it, and re-engage with it at a level where the quality attracts you more than it attracts others – when you know deep…