Tag: excellence

  • Quality: Idea #395

    As I spend a bit of time considering my own actions, I’m reminded to ‘Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.’ (S.Jobs) How can I expect to grow and develop if I don’t work hard at being excellent, at delivering quality in all I do. This…

  • Excellence: Idea #223

    ‘So many of us struggle with perfectionism. It is rooted in fear and can lead to procrastination. Instead of being a perfectionist, focus on excellence—learning in the journey—the process of making something good and then great. Perfectionism is elusive, it is a state that you can never reach. If you choose excellence over perfectionism, you…

  • Excellence: Idea #145

    ‘The word adequate is often paired with average, and people often decide to be adequate in life. So many people settle for adequate, and learn to exist with this state. We were not born and created to be adequate, we were born to be exceptional. Go beyond adequate, it is a better way to live.’…