Tag: focus
Skills: Idea #221
What are you doing each week to grow your skills? ‘My focus for today… A little less luck and a lot more skill! We should never stand by and hope for the best! Take charge and make things happen! Trust in your ability to succeed!’ (J.Hawks) ‘Focus on where you want to go, figure out…
Attention: Idea #166
How do you manage your attention, and towards what is it directed? ‘One of the most critical skills in life – and yet never taught in school – is choosing where to direct your attention. After graduation, the valedictorian will often get lapped by “average” people who better invest their time.’ (J.Clear) The area or…
Conviction: Idea #153
Are you familiar with conviction? ‘People who have conviction believe in something so passionately that they will not be persuaded to lose focus. Conviction is the driving force that keeps them on task. What are you doing in your life that is so important that nothing can cause you to lose focus?’ (J.Maxwell) Have you…