Tag: follow
Modeling: Idea #562
Do you currently have a mentor? Are you having regular sessions? I know I have some improvements in this area of my life, especially if I want to acknowledge ‘the law of modeling. It says that it is hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow. Most of us grow because…
Admire: Idea #421
Sometimes when we think about great leaders, and how we wish to be like them, we try too hard to be “just like them”, and forget about being true to ourselves. It’s important to know that ‘Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but…
An Example: Idea #173
Have you ever hesitated in trying something new because you’ve never seen anyone else do it? ‘Many people won’t attempt something unless they can find an example of someone else who is already doing it. Rely on this type of thinking too much and you’ll never do anything interesting. Your path through life is unique.…