Tag: forgiveness

  • Personal: Idea #529

    Do you want a secret to what can change your life? ‘Forgiveness is the strongest life-changing force. We are all going to make mistakes, but your response to these mistakes is what is important. High road leaders respond by taking responsibility and correcting their mistakes. The most free people in the world are those who…

  • Forgiveness: Idea #516

    This post reflects my personal beliefs, however I think everyone can learn from these principles. It’s important to acknowledge we make mistakes, however, ‘It is just as necessary to forgive ourselves as it is to forgive others, and the principal reason why forgiveness seemed so difficult is because we have neglected to forgive ourselves.’ (C.Larson)…

  • Loyalty: Idea #263

    A concept that I believe has been disappearing from our culture is the idea of loyalty – and many times it is with good reason. People and businesses betray our trust, mistreat us, and take advantage of our previous loyalty. However, what it also does is create a sense of being alone, without support, adrift…