Tag: friend

  • I Am…#2: Idea #271

    Part 2 of who I want to be: ‘..whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires; who’ll not say they do it “because everybody else does it”; who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as well as in prosperity; who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning…

  • Friend: Idea #126

    Have you ever discovered a new friend “by accident”? Sometimes ‘seemingly unexpected friendships can enrich our lives if we let them…Often, it’s fear that keeps us from making connections. We think that others won’t like us or won’t find us interesting….When we take just a minute to connect with someone new, we can learn much…

  • Friend: Idea #53

    Have you ever found yourself feeling “all alone”? Have you ever wished for someone to help you get to the next level in your success? As you think about what you are able to achieve on your own, ‘now imagine you have other like-minded individuals that can enhance your thinking and abilities….when you collaborate you…