Tag: gratitude

  • Joy: Growth Idea #605

    Do you know the difference between happiness and joy? I’m not sure I have a complete handle on it, but from my experience I see happiness depending on circumstances, whereas joy is related to me, who I am and how I see life. So even when things aren’t always going the way I’d like them…

  • Missing: Idea #577

    Too often what we hear and read in the media is about lack, about not enough, about what we’re missing. I believe we have all we need, even more. How is that? ‘Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,…

  • Thanksgiving: Idea #573

    Today is Thanksgiving Day in the USA and is a tradition I grew up with for many years, and even now I try to celebrate this day with family and friends. I know we should be thankful all the time, however it’s a good reminder when we have a special day to remind us, and…