Tag: gratitude
Encourage: Idea #484
I keep being reminded that there are many that help me and support me, and I should be grateful. ‘Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.’ (E.Caddy) Isn’t it amazing that gratitude helps you grow? However, we do…
Thankful: Idea #425
Would you like to see a positive transformation in your life? ‘Gratitude is the most passionate transformative force in the cosmos. When we offer thanks to God or to another human being, gratitude gifts us with renewal, reflection, reconnection.’ (S.Breathnach) Sounds easy, yet it can be difficult. Remember, ‘Be thankful for what you have; you’ll…
Gratitude: Idea #377
‘After being diagnosed with a brain tumor, C**** noticed how much of the talk around facing cancer is dominated by the language of fighting. She found that this metaphor quickly started to feel exhausting. She “didn’t want to spend over a year at war with [her] own body.” Instead, what she found most helpful were…