Tag: growth

  • Postive: Idea #330

    It feels like this has been a long year that has gone by quickly, and you may think you haven’t grown like you wanted to, or have even failed. ‘Think positively, think of possibilities, and be willing to work for those possibilities. Aim to be someone who thinks it can happen and also helps make…

  • Encourage: Idea #302

    Here’s a collection of quotes to encourage you today as you choose to grow: ‘Growth is about moving forward while chaos often sends you repeatedly through the same cycles.’ (V.L.White) Are you moving forward? ‘There is no reverse in life, only a future in which you can steer it.’ (E.Kizer) Even if you get tossed…

  • Mindset: Idea #275

    I imagine you’ve heard of the Growth Mindset. You may wonder, how can I get this? ‘You don’t need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset.’ (H.H.Ozbek) ‘Mindsets – we all have one and I ask you, is yours serving you well? Think about this for a second – did…