Tag: impact
Full Life: God Idea #10
Some time ago I decided I wanted to make sure people know that I want a full life – a Life to the Max! This doesn’t mean doing crazy, adventurous activities (although I have tried skydiving, bungee jumping), it means experiencing all that God has in store for me. It’s so easy to just drift…
Matter: Idea #551
Do you ever get the negative thought that what you do doesn’t matter? That’s not correct! ‘What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. (J.Goodall) Everything we do has an impact on others, whether for the good or the bad. ‘Each of us has…
Impression: Idea #417
As you think about where you are in life today, can you think of someone that made a significant impression on you, and changed your life? ‘An impact is something that makes a big impression on us. You can make a positive impact by clearly adding value to others. Do you have a positive impact…