Tag: influence

  • Mirror: Growth Idea #616

    What do you see when you look in the mirror? I’m not talking about your visual image, I’m thinking about how you see yourself as a person. How would you describe your self-image? It’s so easy to let others influence us as to who we are and what our value is. However, just like how…

  • Influence: Idea #519

    Here’s a great definition of leadership. ‘Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. When you focus on the influence you have on others over focusing on the respect you receive from the people around you, it will build your credibility. Grow influence before you grow position. Grow your connection through relationships and production more than…

  • High-Road #2: Idea #488

    ‘High road leaders set themselves apart from people who travel the middle or low road. Those that travel the high road, give more than they take. Low road leaders take more than they give. Middle road leaders give equal to what they receive. High road leaders know people are valuable, and if you are a…