Tag: intentional
Intentional: Leadership Idea #14
Are you an intentional leader? Exactly what does it mean to be intentional? Being intentional means you don’t just drift through life, going with the flow, no effort needed. Being an intentional leader requires us to examine ourselves, see where we’re strong and keep building on that, find our weaknesses, and see how we can…
Intentionality: Growth Idea #583
Do you know what’s easy about life? It’s just going with the flow, not making any waves in life. That approach, however, doesn’t yield the development results we want. ‘Intentional living is about making conscious choices that align with your values and goals. Intentionality is the difference between drifting through life versus steering it with…
Plan: Idea #527
Are you aware that ‘growth doesn’t just happen. Getting older is automatic, but getting better is not. In order to become better, you must have a personal growth plan – you must be intentional in your life. Intentional living takes good intentions and turns them into good actions. If you are going to grow, you…