Tag: joy

  • Joy: Growth Idea #605

    Do you know the difference between happiness and joy? I’m not sure I have a complete handle on it, but from my experience I see happiness depending on circumstances, whereas joy is related to me, who I am and how I see life. So even when things aren’t always going the way I’d like them…

  • Control: Idea #475

    Do you find yourself unable to sleep at night because you’re worrying about the next day, the next month, the rest of the year, your future, etc, etc? ‘Many of us are worriers. Worrying doesn’t achieve anything, but it does take energy. When we stop worrying about what we don’t have, we can start enjoying…

  • Joy: Idea #189

    Here are some thoughts on how to sidestep feelings of depression: ‘I can get sad, I can get frustrated, I can get scared, but I never get depressed because there’s joy in my life.’ (M.J.Fox) So the first idea is to find joy in our life regardless of circumstances. How to do this? ‘Regardless of…