Tag: law

  • Mirror: Idea #542

    Do you spend time in front of a mirror to make sure you look OK? Are you looking in the right mirror? That’s the question from ‘the law of the mirror. It says that you must see value in yourself to add value to yourself. It is important to believe in yourself, but it is…

  • Awareness: Idea #540

    How well do you know yourself? Stop and think for a moment. This question relates to ‘the law of awareness. It says that you must know yourself to grow yourself. We can’t fix things in our life if we are unaware of them. Ask others to help and expose you to the areas where you…

  • Contribution: Idea #538

    Over the next several weeks I’ll be sharing some of John Maxwell’s Laws that will help us continue to grow and improve. Starting with ‘the law of contribution. It says that growing yourself enables you to grow others. When you live the law of contribution and significance you add value to others. They get better…