Tag: leadership
Process: Idea #387
It’s worthwhile to consider why you want to grow as an individual. We should ‘Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.’ (U) Our reason for growing and developing as an individual should focus on our own betterment, not on gaining recognition. ‘Most people who want to…
Leadership: Idea #378
‘There are three levels of persevering in leadership: Commitment will get you to the starting line. Consistency will get you to the finish line. Persistency will get you through the finish line. Leaders need to persevere through the inevitable ups and downs in their organization’s journey, in order to move through the finish line. What…
Integrity: Idea #350
A topic that is important to me, and is foundational to how I think and live – is integrity. As a leader I know that without integrity my attempts at leadership will eventually fail and crumble. The only way I can give true value to others is to manage my life well. ‘To give real…