Tag: leadership
Trusting: Idea #289
The flip side to having trust is ‘Trusting – a very powerful leadership principle. The definition of trusting is to show confidence in someone. Three things to think about if you want to be more trusting and show confidence in the people you lead are …1. Give others clarity: Without clarity there is cruelty. Be…
Behavior: Idea #280
What are the ‘three essential leadership behaviors you need to commit to and protect as you develop professionally. Being future-focused. The higher up the ladder you climb, the farther out you need to think…Being good with people. As you accrue responsibility, it’s easy to give too much attention to high-level strategy and not enough to…
Leadership: Idea #168
Do you recognize true leadership? What does it look like for you? ‘When someone just talks about leadership, rather than showing you what leadership looks like, how do you react? Actions speak louder than words.’ (M.Blaszczyk) ‘I don’t know any other way to lead but by example.’ (D.Shula) Words are cheap, actions cost – time,…