Tag: learn

  • Falling: Growth Idea #613

    I want to continue to think about what it takes to grow. It’s said that you cannot grow when you’re successful – that’s when you coast. It’s when you fall, or fail, that you pick yourself up, see what you can learn, and grow as a person. So when you fall and get back up…

  • Growing: Growth Idea #612

    Let me focus on a concept that’s the reason for these posts. It’s all about growing as a person, and professionally. So how can we recognize when we’re growing? Sometimes it can feel as if we’re just the same as before. One tip is to see whether you’re dealing with challenges at the moment. If…

  • Purpose: Idea #578

    ‘The two greatest days in your life are the day you were born and the day you realize why … But most people don’t know what their purpose is. If you don’t know, don’t use that as an excuse not to do anything. Go find your purpose. Go out and make a glorious mess of…