Solving #6: Idea #482
It’s important that we learn from our problem solving so that the next time it’s easier and quicker to solve. ‘The sixth principle of problem solving is believing there is always a lesson in every problem. If you approach a problem correctly, it can make you better and lift you up. When we fail, we…
Unique: Idea #469
One thing I’ve been able to learn in my travels through life, and that is that I must be myself – I cannot be someone else. ‘Free yourself. Once I began to realize that there were no rules and that my path didn’t have to look like everyone else’s, I relaxed and my whole world…
Teach: Idea #443
If you ever feel stuck in knowing where to focus your learning on, know that ‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Leaders should work to share an experience rather than just teaching it. A really good teacher makes the student part of the lesson, instead of trying to make the lesson part of…