Tag: learn

  • Dysfunction: Idea #408

    Here’s some food for thought: ‘Everyone has some dysfunction in their life. When you allow another person to walk into your life and help you become aware of a dysfunction, it helps you overcome it. Others can show us our dysfunction – our blind spots. We need to be open to learn, listen, and understand…

  • Imposter: Idea #388

    Do you ever feel like an imposter in your role? Like maybe others don’t really know how little you think you know? Some thoughts from a recent workshop I attended: A lot of people view imposter syndrome like it’s a debilitating chronic disease. So, the preferred term is “imposter thoughts.”  These are pangs of doubts:…

  • Learning: Idea #384

    Opportunities to learn and grow are all around us. ‘Life isn’t perfect, any failures you have are actually learning moments. They teach us how to grow and evolve.’ (P.Soo) How’s that for a different way of looking at failures along the way? And if you’re afraid of tackling that new challenge because you might fail,…