Tag: life
80 Summers: Idea #523
As I go through life, I’m reminded that ‘You get 80 summers if you’re lucky. 80 summers. That’s all you get. Of course, we all know that the average person lives to around 80, but when I heard it described like this – it stopped me in my tracks…biggest takeaways…Living in the same place as…
Ponder: Idea #494
How much time do you take to stop and ponder? To think deeply about life? I know I could do more of this. But why, you may ask, and why is it so hard? A couple of ideas: I think sometimes I’m afraid to stop and think because I don’t want to think about the…
Eyes: Idea #489
Do you ever feel like you’ve missed out, that your opportunity has passed you by? Well, ‘going through life is like driving a car; if you keep your eyes on the road you already passed, you’ll miss all the wonders of what’s ahead, and you will not see the obstacles coming until it’s too late.…