Tag: listen

  • Care: Idea #303

    ‘Everyone has something to say but few listen and truly connect. The key to connecting to people is caring for others. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. Allow caring for others to pave the way for your connection to the people around you.’ (J.Maxwell) Ths quote…

  • Growth: Idea #281

    Here’s a collection of short quotes that I find inspiring when I think of growth as a person: ‘Worry drains the mind of its power and sooner or later it injures the soul.’ (R.Sharma) Worry is not productive! ‘I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m…

  • Relationships #1: Idea #224

    As we work with others, it’s important to build strong relationships to enable successful outcomes. Starting a series on how to grow strong relationships at work – and elsewhere. ‘7 ways to build strong workplace relationships. 1. Listen, Actively…by saying less and asking more, we can elevate our communication skills with coworkers…2. Avoid Gossip…Engaging in…