Tag: mistakes
New Paths: Idea #207
Do you ever feel like you’re on the wrong path, and you’re not growing? Perhaps it’s meant to be a part of your learning experience. ‘You should never regret anything in life. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it is experience.’ (U) Sometimes we need to learn from our experiences in order for…
Mistakes: Idea #63
What is easier to remember – the mistakes you made, or the successes you’ve had? We’d like to think it’s the good things, however I believe the reality is that our mistakes or failures are what occupy much of our memory. What we need to do is build monuments (not talking about physical ones) that…
Mistakes: Idea #15
‘The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward. First, create a mechanism of self-disclosure regarding behavior you regret. Second, reckon with your regret through self-compassion, not suppressing them, but not exaggerating or overidentifying with them either. The third step follows naturally: practice self-distancing by detaching yourself from your behavior through time, space, and…