Tag: new

  • Habits: Idea #247

    ‘Habits; we all have them. Some of them are healthy and worth keeping and others really aren’t helping us. So what do you do?’ (M.Blaszczyk) ‘You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, “I release the need for this in my life.”’ (W.Dyer) In other words, rather than trying to stop or…

  • Enough: Idea #246

    ‘You are enough. It doesn’t matter who you used to be; what matters is who you decide to be today. You are not your mistakes. You are not your mishaps. You are not your past. You are not your wounds. You can decide differently today and at every moment. Remember that. You are offered a…

  • Rewire: Idea #67

    The second tool that helps you change how you think is the ‘Rewire Principle: Rewire your brain, renew your mind.’ (C.Groeschel) When your brain is triggered to make you feel a certain way, to react in a certain way, you need to create a new belief that you can lean on to rewire your thinking.…