Tag: ownership

  • Accountable: Leadership Idea #18

    Are you really a leader? Do you own the outcome you’re responsible for? Being accountable for the responsibilities you’ve been give is hard work, and it would be much easier many times to just blame others when things go wrong. And for sure, sometimes circumstances beyond our control have an impact, yet we need to…

  • Character: Idea #514

    A huge part in personal growth and development is becoming a person of good character. So, ‘Be truthful in all you do. Be loving to all you meet. Be kind in all you share. Be humble for all you have. Be happy in all your circumstances. Be the kind of person that people can look…

  • Responsibility: Idea #110

    ‘It is important for all people to have a sense of responsibility or to take ownership of their life. You will never do well in life until you take responsibility for your life—for your choices, for who you are, for what you do, for your actions. Take responsibility for the things that happen to you.’…