Tag: people

  • Value: Idea #430

    I posted about relationships previously, and this is a reminder that ‘Relationships – how we connect with others – are key in our success. Relationships have the power to resolve the negatives in our lives. Are you a plus or a minus? Do you add value to others or take value away? If you want…

  • Relationships: Idea #399

    Sometimes we may not see the value in building professional relationships. ‘Relational leaders love connecting with others. It is important to slow down and connect with people even when it isn’t required or beneficial to your success. Find someone that you don’t have to connect with in order to be successful in your job, and…

  • Environment: Idea #245

    ‘Is your environment what you want it to be? Are you creating an environment that will help you accomplish your goals and objectives? We are a product of our environment. Do an assessment on what is around you, the people who surround you, and the experiences that result. Make sure your environment is conducive to…