Tag: positive

  • Postive: Idea #330

    It feels like this has been a long year that has gone by quickly, and you may think you haven’t grown like you wanted to, or have even failed. ‘Think positively, think of possibilities, and be willing to work for those possibilities. Aim to be someone who thinks it can happen and also helps make…

  • Attitude: Idea #288

    When the future is unknown, and circumstances aren’t always so nice, it’s important to remember that ‘Attitude is everything. It is important to have a great attitude about yourself, other people, and life. It isn’t what happens to you, but what happens in you. If you can find the bright side of things in tough…

  • Attitude: Idea #264

    Have you checked your attitude today? Do you think it makes any difference? ‘Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference.’ (W.Churchhill) Attitudes can be positive or negative, and we all have one. ‘Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching? It is a driver for excellence and a way to bring others along…