Tag: practice
Excellence: Growth Idea #607
One characteristic I’ve observed in myself over the years is the desire to be the best, or at least be excellent in all I do. Having a focus on excellence will help you exceed expectations that others have of you, and you will gain confidence in your abilities to succeed in the tasks you set…
Action: God Idea #2
I’ve come to understand that life is a training camp, it’s temporary but it’s critical for success in our spiritual life. However, even though we’re in a life training camp, we don’t stay there forever. We have to have training exercises that take us outside our comfort zones, that drop us into real life situations,…
Practice: Idea #525
Some days I think that the challenges are never going to quit, and it seems that hard times are continuing forever. When I think about quitting, I remember that ‘Resilience isn’t something we’re born with or without. It’s a skill we can acquire and sharpen at any time, and one of our main ways to…