Tag: problems
Mindset: Idea #381
A positive point of view is needed if you want to grow and develop as a person and as a leader. ‘When I go into a situation, I try to keep a mindset of baseline optimism. – When starting the day: It’s going to be a good day. – When meeting someone new: I’m going…
Victor: Idea #299
Do you see yourself as a victim, or a victor? It’s much easier to play the victim, and blame others for problems we face, or successes not achieved. However, this is truly a choice. ‘Abandon the idea that you will forever be the victim of the things that have happened to you. Choose to be…
Problems: Idea #220
Several great quotes for today around challenging situations and how to respond. ‘You may not be able to change the current situation, but you can still try your best.’ (M.P.Ansari) ‘Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.’ (R.H.Schuller) ‘The enormity of your problems is nothing compared with your ability to solve them. By overestimating…