Tag: reliable

  • Steady: Idea #432

    We don’t see the term “steady” used that often in reference to growing and developing. What image does that word evoke in you? What about seeing it as ‘Those who are steady are reliable, consistent, and present. When we are steady about the things that matter, it allows us to build something that is solid,…

  • Reliable: Idea #353

    Sometimes we think in order to be successful we have to be a top performer. Really? ‘Forget about peak performance. Would your results improve if you simply focused on being reliable in the normal moments? Show up when it’s easy to skip. Do the fundamentals and do them well. And so on. Before you make…

  • Reliable: Idea #295

    How reliable are you? It’s tempting to think it’s OK to not always be on time or show up. However, ‘People who are reliable and consistent always show up. They don’t require others to follow-up with them in order to get the work done. People can count on them in a team, especially when it…