Tag: resolution
Conflicts: Idea #517
No one likes conflicts, however, ‘Conflict Resolution is the art of turning discord into harmony and tension into opportunities, while fostering a culture of collaboration and growth within an organization. Conflict is inevitable and can disrupt productivity, but we don’t need to avoid it … Instead we should address it constructively, which allows us to…
Action: Idea #99
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? ‘Good intentions need to be turned into good actions. In order to get the best that life has for you, you need to be purposeful, willful, and focused. If you don’t prepare your life, you will spend your time repairing – by preparing your day and…
Root Cause: Idea #68
How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution, only to have it last for less than a week? Have you ever wondered why that is? Perhaps it’s because the change was only a behavioral change, and didn’t address the root cause of the problem. I know I tell my teams quite often, “Please…