Tag: respect
Dignity: Growth Idea #588
No one likes to be disrespected, we all like our dignity. ‘Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. Dignity is being worthy of honor or respect. You are a person of great value, regardless of what you have or have not accomplished. You are valuable because of who you are. There is no one else…
Influence: Idea #519
Here’s a great definition of leadership. ‘Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. When you focus on the influence you have on others over focusing on the respect you receive from the people around you, it will build your credibility. Grow influence before you grow position. Grow your connection through relationships and production more than…
Punctuality: Idea #205
How important is it to you to be on time – for meetings, appointments, calls, etc? ‘If you are the first person to show up, it indicates that you are intentional and value other people. Punctuality is a very important value and also shows how you manage time and respect the time of others. Are…