Tag: risk

  • Courage: Growth Idea #609

    Who do you know that has shown great courage? Do they inspire you? Do you ever think you’d never be able to be that courageous, that brave? You know, courage takes many forms and you’ll find it in unusual places. It takes courage to start something new, something that might not work out. It requires…

  • Procrastination: Growth Idea #595

    “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Do you ever catch yourself saying that? I know I do sometimes, even for writing these posts. But you know what, there’s never a better time than now. Maybe you’re thinking you should have started something or done something a long time ago, and maybe that would have been the best…

  • Risk: Growth Idea #586

    Are you a big risk taker? Sometimes I am, but not always. I’m trying to learn how to take reasonable risks by carefully evaluating the opportunity. ‘Success often hinges on our ability to seize significant opportunities when they appear. It involves calculated risk taking and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Is there an opportunity…