Tag: serve
Cooperate: Idea #450
Does your day ever seem too short to finish all the things you want to do? Do you ever wonder if you’ll be able to complete all your goals? Cooperating with others to serve others empowers us and we accomplish much more than we could ever do on our own. It has been said, “Individually,…
Valuable: Idea #326
Sometimes we may be concerned about our worth, whether that’s personal or for our workplace. A tip – ‘Become invaluable by being a good teammate. Value others’ needs, and learn to serve others. Become the person that makes the people around you better. How can you serve others today and become invaluable?’ (J.Maxwell) By ensuring…
Help: Idea #290
Sometimes when I look around and see all the needs in the world it seems overwhelming. I try to remember that ‘We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.’ (R.Reagan) So I’ve decided to help when and where I can, and in some way ‘Do good. The greatest pleasure I know is to do…