Tag: skill

  • Practice: Idea #525

    Some days I think that the challenges are never going to quit, and it seems that hard times are continuing forever. When I think about quitting, I remember that ‘Resilience isn’t something we’re born with or without. It’s a skill we can acquire and sharpen at any time, and one of our main ways to…

  • Solving #7: Idea #483

    Are you a glass half-empty or glass half-full type of person? ‘The seventh principle of problem solving is believing there is always an opportunity. All problems create opportunities when you have the right attitude. If you look at a problem correctly, there is always an answer, always a lesson, and always an opportunity.’ (J.Maxwell) There…

  • Solving #6: Idea #482

    It’s important that we learn from our problem solving so that the next time it’s easier and quicker to solve. ‘The sixth principle of problem solving is believing there is always a lesson in every problem. If you approach a problem correctly, it can make you better and lift you up. When we fail, we…