Tag: solutions
Choice: Idea #492
Did you know you have a choice in how your day looks? ‘You can live each day in a world filled with “problems,” or rise each morning and embrace a world filled with unseen solutions… eager for you to find them. The decision is yours… both worlds exist. The one you choose is the one…
Simplify: Idea #394
How many times have you tackled a problem and thought to yourself – this is just too complex and difficult. Here’s a thought – ‘Simplify. What can be done in three steps should never be done in four. Each link in the chain is a potential breaking point. Fewer links means fewer chances of failure.’…
Solutions: Idea #175
If you manage a team (or even just yourself), what is needed to solve problems without help from you (or your manager)? ‘The first step is understanding what beliefs underpin (the fear of failure)… Next, build trust in your team’s (or your) ability to problem solve… create an optimistic and experimental…culture, embrace a collective growth…