Tag: support
Reflect: Idea #276
What type of rock are you? ‘The moon relies on the sun for all its light; without the sun, the moon would just be a large rock orbiting the earth. People are the same. Without encouragement, support and hard work we are just lightless rocks orbiting with no real purpose. But when we do endeavor…
Support: Idea #253
As I begin my second year of sharing posts that help us all grow and develop both personally and professionally, I’d really enjoy hearing from you on what topics are front of mind for you in this area. What growth areas are challenging for you, what professional development seems overwhelming? I have a lot of…
Feelings: Idea #240
Generally we tend to ask others “How are you today?”. Recently I had several days where I was feeling rather down, sad, not really liking what life was bringing my way. I felt tired, drained, almost burned out, without energy or enjoyment in what I was doing. Perhaps a better question to ask each other…