Tag: think

  • 3rd Practice: Idea #572

    The final growth practice might seem like a step back, like you’re not really doing anything. However, ‘The third growth practice is to think daily and apply what you have learned. Evaluated experience is the best teacher. Reflection turns experience into insight. After a new experience, ask yourself “What did I love? What did I…

  • Ponder: Idea #494

    How much time do you take to stop and ponder? To think deeply about life? I know I could do more of this. But why, you may ask, and why is it so hard? A couple of ideas: I think sometimes I’m afraid to stop and think because I don’t want to think about the…

  • Desire: Idea #403

    Have you ever felt like growing and improving is just too hard, it takes too much effort? I know I have. And then I’m reminded that ‘I think it all comes down to motivation. If you really want to do something, you will work hard for it.’ (E.Hillary) So the bigger question to ask yourself…