Tag: valuable
Self-worth: Idea #308
Do you ever think about your self-worth? Do you consider yourself valuable, even important, in work, in life, both personally and professionally? ‘When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless.’ (S.Aggarwal) Your worth is NOT determined by what others say. It’s knowing what you can and are contributing to the world…
Important: Idea #124
Who doesn’t like to feel important and valuable? I know I do. ‘It is important to value people, because people are valuable. When you value people, you add value to them. The more you value others, the more you add value to them, and the more you add value to the world.’ (J.Maxwell) And as…
Valuable: Idea #23
Have you ever wondered if the work you do is better/worse or as important as the work someone else does? Here’s your answer – YOUR work is just as important as anyone else’s work, as long as you are committed to doing your best to serve your client – and your client is whoever gets…