Tag: value

  • Sharing: Idea #335

    How can you add more value to life and to yourself? ‘As you move through life, set aside good ideas and give them to others to encourage and inspire.’ (P.J.Daniels) I think the answer is to share, to be generous towards others. ‘The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your…

  • Value: Idea #227

    Do you ever feel like “just another cog in the gears” of life? Let me remind you that every person and ‘Every employee has a valuable position to play, and every facet of leadership and management has the responsibility of providing every employee with the means to execute it.’ (B.Jett) ‘Everyone brings value to their…

  • Time: Idea #196

    Do you value your time enough? ‘Time assets vs. Time debts. Time assets are choices that save you time in the future. Think: saying no to a meeting, automating a task, working on something that persists and compounds. Time debts are choices that must be repaid and cost you time in the future. Think: saying…