Tag: worry

  • Control: Idea #475

    Do you find yourself unable to sleep at night because you’re worrying about the next day, the next month, the rest of the year, your future, etc, etc? ‘Many of us are worriers. Worrying doesn’t achieve anything, but it does take energy. When we stop worrying about what we don’t have, we can start enjoying…

  • Growth: Idea #281

    Here’s a collection of short quotes that I find inspiring when I think of growth as a person: ‘Worry drains the mind of its power and sooner or later it injures the soul.’ (R.Sharma) Worry is not productive! ‘I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m…

  • Anxiety: Idea #243

    ‘How High Achievers Overcome Their Anxiety…Make the anxiety an ally. Ask yourself probing questions like “What exactly is worrying me?”…Practice self-compassion. Approach yourself more positively by replacing self-judgment with self-kindness….See the humor. Will your typo actually cause you to get fired?…Try meditation. Magic happens when you take some time to pause and reset….Say no to…