Excuse 1: Idea #71

What are some of your excuses for not breaking a bad habit or not starting a good habit? Over two days I want to list 10 common excuses and my experience with them. 1. False choice loophole — “I can’t do this, because I’m so busy doing that” 2. Moral licensing loophole — “I’ve been so good, it’s okay for me to do this” 3. Tomorrow loophole — “It’s okay to skip today, because I’m going to do this tomorrow” 4. Lack of control loophole — “I can’t help myself” 5. Planning to fail loophole — “I put myself in this place for other reasons, but now that I’m here, how can I resist?” Of these five, I find #1 & #3 in my thoughts most frequently, so I try to remember “busy” is a choice, and procrastination makes things harder not easier. What’s your favorite excuse?