Category: Simple Idea

  • Trust: God Idea #12

    Sometimes in life it’s really hard to trust that God has my best in mind, and that He will look after me. In my head I know this is true, but in the realism of each day this trust falters and sometimes disappears. I believe this is a time when God’s family need to be…

  • Guards: God Idea #11

    Whenever you visit a place where security is important, you’ll see security guards in strategic places to ensure sufficient protection against attacks. As children of God, we too need guards in our life, especially in our minds and thoughts. There are so many temptations to make bad choices in life around us, and we need…

  • Mirror: Growth Idea #616

    What do you see when you look in the mirror? I’m not talking about your visual image, I’m thinking about how you see yourself as a person. How would you describe your self-image? It’s so easy to let others influence us as to who we are and what our value is. However, just like how…