Tag: energy

  • Control: Idea #475

    Do you find yourself unable to sleep at night because you’re worrying about the next day, the next month, the rest of the year, your future, etc, etc? ‘Many of us are worriers. Worrying doesn’t achieve anything, but it does take energy. When we stop worrying about what we don’t have, we can start enjoying…

  • Intent: Idea #474

    What is your view on feedback from others? ‘Whatever anybody says or does, assume positive intent. You will be amazed at how your whole approach to a person or problem becomes very different.’ (I.Nooyi) If we expect others to give us positive (and helpful) feedback, you will find yourself associating with the right people. ‘Be…

  • Time: Idea #409

    Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time? ‘I have learned that whenever I think “I don’t have enough time to do that” what I usually mean is “I don’t have enough energy” or “I am not actually interested in doing this”. What I need to do a better job of is not…